Advancing Racial Equity and Inclusion
As a woman-owned firm focused on delivering capital to low-income communities and minority-owned businesses, Riggle Capital utilizes its resources to support underserved communities and people who are impacted by social injustice, asymmetrical treatment, and lack of privilege. We promote a culture that recognizes the right of all people to be treated with humanity and respect.
We believe that our diversity is our greatest strength. We draw on the differences in who we are, what we've experienced, and how we think. These values are reflected in our board of directors, advisory board, governance, staffing and public private partnerships.
To create prosperity, we need to serve everyone, and to serve everyone, we need to include everyone. We anticipate difference, we celebrate it, we support it, and we thrive on it for the benefit of our employees, our clients, and our community.
We support the vital work of leading organizations who are addressing racial injustice, structural inequity, and economic disparity. Now, more than ever, in this fast-paced global economy, we need all hands-on deck, to help us navigate through these stormy waters of climate change, COVID and future challenges.
We prioritize projects that demonstrate commitment to the following objectives:
Racial equality: for-sale affordable housing has been the backbone of our effort to advance equity and reduce racial disparities that stem from historic and systemic racism. Our affordable home ownership program enables wealth building, wealth transfer, and strengthens neighborhoods.
Our goal is to make every home and community a place of pride and provide upward mobility for all. Our strategic priorities are to (1) increase the supply of quality homes that are affordable, (2) advance racial equity, and (3) build resilience and upward mobility.
Small business inclusion: provide support for small businesses through funding and below-market flexible leasing options. We help underserved populations by leveraging our capabilities to provide access, to mitigate unequal access to resources.
Technological progression: Trifurcating technologies-Smart Cities-Smart Campuses-Smart Housing in combination with multiple sources of capital to reduce the cost of technology, will enable future generations to have access to technology at all economic levels and help to erase the unfair playing ground that currently exists, enabling all people to have a seat at the table.